While adjusting dimensions on the plan, some seem to be unmovable. Upon selecting those and opening the settings some options are grayed out and are unavailable.
The key for this is to look out for the Intelligent Cursor to appear prior to opening the Selection settings. Also, different components of the Dimension tool will present different Selection Settings availability.
Clicking on the Dimension node or the exact center point between them, will give you the same Dimension Selection Setting however, it will not give the same options as the Dimension line. Click on the line itself or drag a selection box around the Nodes on the end of the Dimension line.
To adjust the Dimension line, hover the cursor over the Element and wait for the Mercedes icon to show up to make adjustments.
Note: Keep an eye on the cursor when hovering over Elements as the cursor changes shape as you work, depending on the tool you are using, and whether an editing/input operation is underway or not. Cursor variations help you identify particular Nodes and Edges, as an aid in editing. For more information about the Intelligent Cursor please check this article The Intelligent Cursor (