Issue Description
In some rare instances a typical uninstall and reinstall of the CodeMeter software, the software which authenticates Graphisoft licenses, will not clear up a driver issue. In those case we recommend manually deleting all installed CodeMeter files.
!IMPORTANT! Only perform the steps below if your license is not downloaded to your computer or if you were advised to do so by technical support. If you are unsure, contact technical support to ask.
Manually Delete the CodeMeter driver files that the CmUninstall application does not remove
macOS CodeMeter driver files to manually delete:
• Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/CodeMeter (Delete entire "CodeMeter" folder)
• Macintosh HD/Library/Frameworks/WkMacLibX.framework (Delete "WkMacLibX.framework" file)
• Macintosh HD/Library/Java/Extensions/libwibu*.* (Delete all "libwibu*.*" files)
• Macintosh HD/Library/Logs/CodeMeter (Delete entire "CodeMeter" folder)
• Macintosh HD/Library/PreferencePanes/CodeMeter.prefPane (Delete "CodeMeter.prefPane" file)
• Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/com.wibu.*.* (Delete all "com.wibu.*.*" files)
Windows CodeMeter driver files to manually delete:
• C:\ProgramData\CodeMeter (Delete entire "CodeMeter" folder)
• C:\ProgramFiles\CodeMeter (Delete entire "CodeMeter" folder)
• C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\CodeMeter (Delete entire "CodeMeter" folder)
• C:\Windows\System32\Wibu*.* (Delete all "Wibu*.*" files)
• C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Wibu*.* (Delete all "Wibu*.*" files)