Issue Description
Please find a list below about places where external sources can be linked within a project. Not all of these may necessarily apply, depending upon your office's workflow. All of these can be managed through ArchiCAD. Open the project file and check:
- Drawing Manager: File > External Content > Drawing Manager; Check the paths of the drawings and Re-link, Break Link, or Delete as necessary.
- Publisher paths, settings: Document > Publish; Go to the top level of the Publisher to see your list of Publisher sets; click each one to view the path below and if any reference the Rill server, change it in Publisher Properties.
- Hotlinks: File > External Content > Hotlink manager; Check the path of each Hotlink and Break Hotlink, Delete or Relocate as necessary.
- Libraries: File > Libraries and Objects > Library Manager; Check the paths of each Linked Library and Delete or Add as necessary.
- DWG translators: File > File Special > DXF - DWG Translation Setup; Click each translator and notice the path below (can also be linked within the Publisher settings)
- Work Environment settings: Options > Work Environment > Publisher; Options > Work Environment > Data Safety and Integrity; Options > Work Environment > Special Folders
- Xref manager: File > External Content > Xref manager; Check the path of any Xrefs and Bind, Detach, Reload or Browse as necessary.
- IFC translators (AC20 and below): File > File Special > IFC 2X3 > IFC Translation Setup; Click each translator and notice the path below (can also be linked within the Publisher settings)