Issue Description
When working on a renovation project, we might encounter a situation where when we place a Door or Window into a Wall, the elements do not cut an opening into the wall.
We may also notice that when we copy the Wall settings using the eyedropper and model a new Wall, the Window and Door tools behave normally. However, if we Drag and Copy the original wall, the issue reappears.
What is most likely causing the strange behavior in the Door/Window tool is the Renovation Status of the Walls and the Door/Windows you want to create.
In summary, when using the Renovation Palette, elements that do not have the same Renovation Status will not interact with each other, by default (except if it is an Existing + New element).
To correct this in the model, simply open the Renovation Palette. (Window > Palettes > Renovation Palette). If for example, the Walls have an Existing status, that means that the doors you place on them should have an Existing status as well (which can be set in the Renovation Palette). If we want them To Be Demolished, then all the objects should be set To Be Demolished.