I have finished my floor plan and I want to set the Element ID’s of my Doors in preparation for my Door Schedule. Is there a quick way to do this while making sure that all doors have their own unique Element ID?
Archicad offers a quick and reliable method to automatically generate and assign unique Element IDs to your doors. Here's how:
- Go to Document > Listing Extras > Element ID Manager
- Set the Element Type to “Door”
- Select “Unique ID for Each Element”
- Proceed and click ID Format.
- Configure the ID Format based on the pattern you want. The preview can be seen at the bottom.
- Select “Change ID’s”. After this, an Element ID list will pop out so you can check before the changes. Click OK to finish.
The Element ID Manager is an indispensable tool in Archicad, particularly when handling complex projects. Beyond assigning unique IDs, you can also set the same Element ID by criteria. This feature is particularly useful when you want doors sharing specific attributes to have the same Element ID, simplifying identification and organization in your project.